More space, more investment opportunities
  • 8
  • 6
  • 4
  • 2
  • 47.3sq/439.70sqm

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The Emerald Wide Duplex is designed to take advantage of every square metre of a wide block, maximising your opportunity to capitalise on your investment. You’ll come home to a feeling of light and space, with plenty of masterfully designed rooms where family and friends can create a lifetime of memories.

- Subject to orientation / SEC 10.7 & 88B
- 16m Minimum Block Width

Make it home with Allcastle Homes this Autumn!
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More room to spread the family love
Work from home in the well positioned private study/home
Spacious lounge perfect for family togethers
Sunlit open plan family/dining overlooking alfresco
Four bedrooms with robes
Main bedroom with his n’ hers walk-in robe and ensuite
Private upstairs balcony


As expert home builders for over 30 years, we know that the right inclusions can make all the difference to how your home looks and feels. Find all the inclusions you want in one upfront cost.

Make the most of your new build with these special offers