Family-centric design
  • 4
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 14.7sq/136.57sqm

Superb family living is the philosophy behind the clever design of the Bannaby Single 4. Four bedrooms, including a large master bedroom with walk-in robe, provides enough private space for everyone, while the generously sized family/meals areas bring the family together.

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Room to move and grow
Optional alfresco for even more space
Separate laundry and linen press
Large family bathroom with separate shower
Optional walk-in robes in bedrooms 2, 3 and 4
Option to upgrade to double garage
Clever division of private and family areas


As expert home builders for over 30 years, we know that the right inclusions can make all the difference to how your home looks and feels. Find all the inclusions you want in one upfront cost.

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