Easy, low maintenance living
  • 3
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 12.6sq/117.06sqm

Upsize your lifestyle and downsize your cares with the Bannaby Single 3. Perfect for couples, small families and empty nesters, this single storey home sits beautifully on narrow blocks and gives you all the comfort, space and style you need for carefree, contemporary living.

Make it home with Allcastle Homes this Autumn!
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Compact designer style without compromise
Perfect option for couples, small families and empty nesters
Spacious family/meals areas
Layout creates clever division of private and functional spaces
Potential for additional rental income


As expert home builders for over 30 years, we know that the right inclusions can make all the difference to how your home looks and feels. Find all the inclusions you want in one upfront cost.

Make the most of your new build with these special offers

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